About our studio


Seit dem Jahr 2008 unterrichtet das Studio Schönheitstanz interessierte Menschen in der Kunst des sinnlichen Tanzens. Bei allen angebotenen Tanzgenres handelt es sich um verführerische Formen des Tanzens, die jede Person dabei unterstützen, Ihre eigene Sinnlichkeit und Weiblichkeit zu entdecken und weiter zu entwickeln.

Die Lage des Studios ist inmitten renommierter Nachbarschaft im Herzen Mittes, wo Kultur, Unterhaltung und Businessleben aufeinander treffen. Der Standort spiegelt die eigenen hohen Qualitätsansprüche des Schönheitstanz Team. Das geschmackvoll eingerichtete Studio Schönheitstanz erinnert im Stil an die „alten Zeiten“ des Schönheitstanzes.

Competently supervised

Die Kursteilnehmer*innen arbeiten an ihrer Körperhaltung und erotischen Ausstrahlung und erhalten durch ihre eigenen Erfolge mehr Selbstbewusstsein. Ein weiterer positiver Nebeneffekt ist die verbesserte körperliche Fitness.

The beauty dance team attaches great importance to a competent, individual care of the participants:

The team consists of trained professionals with stage experience.

Für alle Teilnehmer*innen

Um in kurzer Zeit erste Erfolge erzielen und die Teilnehmer*innen individuell betreuen zu können, gibt es durchgängig kleine Kursgruppen (max. sechs Teilnehmer*innen bei Pole Dance und maximal acht bei Burlesque und Lap Dance). Für die jeweiligen Anfängerkurse sind keinerlei Vorkenntnisse notwendig. Deshalb sind bei uns Personen aller Alterstufen, unabhängig von körperlicher Fitness und Statur herzlich willkommen!

Minderjährige sind von der Teilnahme leider ausgeschlossen.

Offers for men

Aufgrund von großer Nachfrage bieten wir auch allen Männern, die ihre feminine sinnliche Seite ausleben möchten, die Möglichkeit zu uns zu kommen und verschiedene Kurse auszuprobieren, um in einem sicheren Wohlfühlraum ein besseres Körpergefühl zu gewinnen und sich fit zu halten. Ursprünglich nur für Frauen konzipiert, haben wir unseren Raum in den letzten Jahren um FLINTA-Personen erweitert und öffnen nun auch Männern offiziell die Tür zu unserem Angebot, um so inklusiv wie möglich zu sein.



BVG connection:

U6: Oranienburger Tor – approx. 6 mins on foot via Reinhardstrasse.

S- and U-Bahn. Friedrichstrasse – approx. 10 minutes on foot

S-Bahn station Hauptbahnhof – approx. 10 minutes on foot

Beauty dance Berlin Studio
Gartengebäude (please go through the front building)
Charitéstr. 4
10117 Berlin

Email: studio@schoenheitstanz.de

Phone: 0049 (0) 30 889 44 836

Google Maps

Our team


In 2003, the qualified college teacher brought her passion for seductive dancing into contact with erotic dancing, lap dance and pole dance, which she presented on stage at numerous appearances and shows in clubs and events.

In 2008 Agata realized her dream of bringing seductive and physically challenging, aesthetic dancing closer to every woman and opened the Schonheitstanz studio. In addition to management, organization and event management, Agata also teaches pole and lap dance.

She is always happy to answer all your questions about the studio and the courses by e-mail or in person.


Becky’s warm and open-minded nature, combined with great empathy, is what qualifies her as a pole dance teacher.

Since 2010 Becky has successfully completed training in the Schönheitstanz studio from beginner to professional level and attended special workshops with guest trainers. Already in the first year she supported us with her appearance on the pole in the Bassy Club for the 2nd anniversary of the studio. In the following year in the Goyaclub with a wonderful professional show as Catwoman. In addition to pole dance, Becky* also trains and dances diligently without a pole – from salsa to ballet to street dance.

Lady Lou

The enchanting dancer Lady Lou is originally from Auckland (New Zealand). Around 2001 Lady Lou came into contact with the burlesque scene in London. In 2005 she moved to Berlin and started her own career as a burlesque performer and burlesque teacher and event organizer. This includes, for example, the burlesque event “La Fête Fatale”.

In the meantime Lady Lou has been seen in many different roles on many stages in Berlin and internationally. Sometimes very classic as a diva, vamp or sometimes with a humorous appeal as a superhero.

More about Lady Lou www.bedroomburlesque.com


Elisabeth successfully completed her training in the beauty dance studio from beginner to professional level and continued her education in many workshops with guest trainers. She has already gained teaching experience in the areas of acting classes, personal training and voice training/breath training. Elisabeth has been working for years as an actress for stage and television and discovered her passion for pole dancing in 2017.

Since 2018 she has been passionately adding to our trainer team and taking on administrative tasks for the Schönheitstanz Studio.


Gem’s classes are about gaining physical strength, being part of a vibrant, supportive community – and most importantly, having a lot of fun! She loves to get dressed up, play awesome music (with themed classes around times like Hallowe’en, Pride and Christmas!) – and make happy, empowering moments of togetherness for all her students.

Gem wants you to become a pole dancer even if you don’t think you can be one, help you make great friends, and look at who you are in a completely different way – all the amazing things that pole did for her. Because from the shy girl who always wanted to hide in the background, came a pole butterfly spreading her sparkly wings – to share pole with you!


Lulu is a passionate pole dancer with years of stage experience. Lulu has been a trainer in the Schönheitstanz studio since November 2012. Her dance style is characterized by her soft, seductive dance elements in combination with demanding acrobatics.

With her open-minded and cordial manner, the trained fitness trainer motivates her participants to perform at their best. Lulu teaches pole dance classes from beginners to professionals.

She also teaches exotic pole dance elements and dance combinations in her “Featherlight course series”.

Marta Karta

Out of a long-standing passion for the performing arts and an ever-increasing need to make the storytelling of things experiential through design, staging became for me the happy medium between aesthetics and function, emotion and communication.
Burlesque is such a creative art form, the dancing, the acting and lastly but not leastly: THE COSTUMES!
In Crafting Burlesque costume making workshop Marta Karta will show you how you can craft your own costume pieces. Every workshop we learn new techniques and create unique designs: nipple pasties, bras, showgirl panties, headpieces, masks.

Lilly Tiger

Lilly Tiger started her burlesque career in the Schönheitstanz studio. The breathtaking redhead seduces your audience with her charm and humor and abducts your audience into the fantastic world of a sympathetically crazy housewife from the 50s or the world of glamor of a diva. She has been supporting and enriching the Schönheitstanz team since 2011. She teaches the burlesque workout every Monday , as well as burlesque drop in class courses on Fridays . You can also book individual lessons.

Rain Rose

Rain Rose came to Berlin 2 years ago from Los Angeles ,where she grew up, to gain new experiences and impressions as a dancer and aerialist. Meanwhile Berlin has become her second home and she teaches Pole Dance, Burlesque, chair dance, Bellydance.
She has a lot of teaching experience, which she gained in Los Angeles and Berlin.
Her experience covers a wide range of dance styles and workouts: low flow & base work, heels crash course (clacking, stability, point & edge, etc.), active flexibility conditioning, and strip tease, to name just a few of her many talents.

Hurricane Irina

Ihre erste Begegnung mit Burlesque hatte Hurricane Irina im Schönheitstanz Studio im Jahr 2010. Seitdem hat der Glitzer und Glamour der Burlesque Welt den kleinen Wirbelsturm aus Russland fest im Griff. Die anfangs noch süße und unschuldige Matrosin bezeichnete man in den Anfangsjahren oft als die “Queen of Cute”. Mittlerweile hypnotisiert Hurricane Irina die Zuschauer mit ihren leidenschaftlichen Darbietungen als spanischer Matador oder die schwarze Schwanenkönigin.
Hurricane Irina is also an enthusiastic pole dancer and trains in the beauty dance studio. Since 2015 she has been combining her burlesque performances with dancing on the pole to create rousing polesque acts.

Honey Lulu

Honey Lulu started her burlesque career in London in 2006 and has since traveled the world in her famous teacup. She is an expert in classic burlesque dance. In the Schönheitstanz studio she is the teacher and co-founder of the weekly burlesque course “Love yourself with Burlesque”.
She also teaches the feather fan workshop and the vintage make up & hair styling workshops in the beauty dance studio.

Janine Lehmann

Janine has been teaching Trapeze Yoga, Pole Dance and Arial Hoop for 11 years, and still does so with great joy and passion.
Sie hat nicht nur an vielen Wettbewerben teilgenommen, wie zum Beispiel dem A “rnold Classic in Brasilien und der IPSF” (International Pole Sports Federation), der Heimat der World Pole & Aerial Championships (WPSC), sondern erhielt auch eine Ehrenmitgliedschaft in der Dance Master’s Association of South Africa.
In Südafrika besaß Janine ihr eigenes Pole-Dance-Studio und veranstaltete das jährliche “Annual Variety Showcase”, das alle Tanzdisziplinen wie Pole Dance, Arial Hoop, Arial Silk beinhaltete.
And since 2016 Janine teaches now for the Schönheitstanz Studio.

Yara Mar

Yara Mar has been working as a pole dance teacher at the Schönheitstanz Studio Berlin since 2012. As a dancer and performer she has devoted herself entirely to the art of dance since a dramatic turning point in her life. Through her diverse collaborations and projects with dancers of traditional dance forms, classical elements are integrated and a mutual exchange promoted. Her own style is characterized by authenticity, strong, emotional and physical expression as well as sensual aesthetics.


Kaya Anouk Zakrzewska is a German-American dancer, actress and author based in Berlin.
Kaya grew up and was born in New York, where she began her dance training at a very early age with a foundation in contemporary dance and gymnastics. Kaya graduated from the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theater. She also completed a certification as a pole dance teacher.
She is a master of various performance styles, which she has already proven in many dance and pole dance shows.
We are very happy that Kaya is teaching Exotic Pole and Pole Dance with us.

Viktoria Knysh

Viktoria is a professional circus artist, aerialist and hand balance artist.

Good and healthy stretching is one of their specialties. She will teach you these techniques.

With us she offers two different workshops: stretching for beginners and stretching for women with experience.


Garon unterrichtet Pole Dance bereits seit 8 Jahren. Er ist ein hochqualifizierter, erfahrener Personal Fitness-Trainer und unterrichtet Pole Dance und Calisthenics Training. Seit 2019 unterrichtet er für das Schönheitstanz Studio und hat an vielen Pole Dance Wettbewerben in Südafrika teilgenommen und viele Preise in den Kategorien Einzel- und Doppelleistung gewonnen. Garon erhielt auch eine Ehrenmitgliedschaft in der “Dance Master’s Association of South Africa“.


Alex is from Israel and started rhythmic gymnastics as a child. She studied Contemporary Dance in Tel Aviv and has 8 years of experience as a pole dance and choreography teacher. In addition, the warm-hearted Alex did an intensive yoga instructor training in India.
She describes Pole Dance as her great love, as it gives her the opportunity to express herself freely. Her specialties are Exotic and Lyrical Pole Dance classes. Furthermore Alex is a trained beauty dance basic course trainer for all levels and speaks German, English and Hebrew.


Meike entdeckte ihre Leidenschaft für Pole Dance als sie 2012 nach Berlin zog. Seit dem war sie eigentlich nur durch die Geburt ihrer Tochter kurz von der Stange zu kriegen. Von diesem schönen Ereignis inspiriert und auf der Suche nach der eigenen Weiblichkeit kam sie zum Schönheitstanz Studio und lernte dass man Pole Dance und Burlesque zu “Polesque” verbinden kann: 2016 erblickte “Elodie Mélodie” zum ersten Mal das Scheinwerferlicht der Berliner Nachtclubszene.

In ihrem anderen Leben ist Meike diplomierte Schauspielerin und Musicaldarstellerin. Ihre Ausbildung hierfür absolvierte sie in Wien. Ganz besonders leidenschaftlich schlägt ihr Herz für die Theaterbühne, wenn sie gerade nicht in ihrer wichtigsten Rolle, der “Mama”-Rolle glänzen muss.

Meike is overjoyed to be part of the team of trainers at the beauty dance studio and to be able to teach pole dance basic classes and burlesque.